‘Just send it:’ Dropping in at a skate park for the first time on roller skates

a rollerskater stands atop a wooden miniramp about to drop in, the act of lettine oneself go down from the top of the ramp, usually over a coping.

From the top of the ramp I can see a panoramic view of ‘Hurt City’ skate park. Scooter kids take turns outdoing each other as they push off onto the ramps and kick their decks midair; skateboarders whiz by yelling the occasional “board!”

‘Just send it:’ Dropping in at a skate park for the first time on roller skates read the article »

Ring of Color’s Melissa Polanco speaks up about growing both her confidence and beauty brand

Entrepreneur Interview with Melissa Polanco featured image graphic. Text is over a green overlay that is mostly covering a screenshot of ROC's business profile.

Creating the world you want to see isn’t easy, there will always be people like you (talented, motivated, and helpful) willing to foster positivity and

Ring of Color’s Melissa Polanco speaks up about growing both her confidence and beauty brand read the article »

Eighteen year-old breaks automobile manufacturing production record and receives visit from HR after first shift retaliates

a purple heart with a golden yellow ruffle border holds the letters 'ctsp' inside

Story from the summer of 2015. Subscribe to Catsup Magazine for the full story. Do you have a temp agency story? Share your experience, positive

Eighteen year-old breaks automobile manufacturing production record and receives visit from HR after first shift retaliates read the article »

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