career stories

Read positive and hard earned lessons from the corporate, nonprofit, retail, and other public facing employment sectors.

Why “Available upon hire” is an acceptable answer for an address field on your next job application

A screenshot of a popular job board asking for an applicant's city and state of address before inquiring about the zip code. 'Available upon hire.' is typed into the address field.

For years now, whenever I’m on a job hunt, I refuse to give out my exact address. It was determined passe on resumes in the […]

Why “Available upon hire” is an acceptable answer for an address field on your next job application read the article »

The importance of asking for bilingual pay in a company that “doesn’t do that”

a pale yellow houndstooth on white tiled background reads, "Should I become a freelance interpreter or seek out a language agency?" with underneath a photo mark

It’s 8:09 AM and you’re standing in a circle of caffeinated, red shirted employees. A manager drones numbers off repeating, “up ‘only’ 15%, up 30%…”

The importance of asking for bilingual pay in a company that “doesn’t do that” read the article »

Endearing! Woman Forced To Share Complete Life Story When Potential Employer Asked About Resume

Job recruiter from a temp agency followed me around text is hovering above a person's top half of the face, they are attempting to cover their face from the flash of the camera. Photography by jessika cesilia. Model is jessika cesilia.

The job was a temp agency. I had reached out to them weeks prior upon losing my job as I knew they had a Bilingual

Endearing! Woman Forced To Share Complete Life Story When Potential Employer Asked About Resume read the article »

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